Look what happens if you forget the mouse guards....

Mouse nest and the hole it made in the wax

Mouse nest and the hole it made in the wax

We were a bit busy this autumn and all the hives still had the entrance blocks in and set to the narrowest door sizes from the wasp problems in September, so, I had thought I could get away without fitting the mouse guards.  I have often forgotten the guards in the past and have only ever once had a problem. Therefore I was quite shocked to find that 2 out of 3 of our empty hives had mice nests in. 

But here's the real problem: its now too cold to check the active hives and so I have no idea if they have also had mice invading. The mice produce quite a lot of wax debris so I suppose I could try and scrape a stick along the hive floor and see what I can drag out. But even that would involve removal of the entrance blocks and disturbing the bees.

I think I just have to wait until Spring now and keep my fingers crossed.

This was also the first year we have had any problems with wax moths. They make quite a mess too but I think this is a symptom of hives being empty.

Lesson leant!

Wax moth larvae tubes

Wax moth larvae tubes
