Bee plants - the trial plot in June

The idea of the bee-plot is the design a planting scheme that will ensure continuous flow of nectar and pollen throughout the season. So naturally when choosing the plants for this trial plot I was quite determined to make sure that I had a range that would ensure flowering right through the 'june gap'. Up till the first week in June this was going well but now most of the earlier flowering plants have almost finished and the next batch are still to bloom. It think the very warm spring weather had some bearing on this as it accelerated the flowering of the poppies and geranium pratense.  And now it is much cooler than expected. The borage is just beginning to flower but the agastache and monarda are not quite ready.  The only thing really flowering happily is the oxe-eye daisy which may not self seed when everything else gets established.

I think that there will be lots of  flowers by the end of the month so hopefully this is just a two week lull.  All the same, it shows that the trial was necessary and I now know what to adjust in the design.