best plants ranking: minor changes with 6th year's data

Even though I had intended to only do 5 years of formal data capture I did monitor most of the plant range again this year (2019) as I thought that some of the plants would benefit from an additional years worth of data. I particularly wanted to see if geranium rozanne deserved the top-spot it had claimed last year but with only one year of findings.

It was, for the most part, a dry summer but with fewer days that reached 30+ degrees than the previous 2. This meant, again, that some of the more drought-tollerant plants did better (nepetas, eryngiums, echinops, origanums, lavandulas) and some that want slightly damper conditions were dropped a little in the rankings.

Geranium rozanne has confirmed its place at the top of the chart with calamint still a close 2nd. Helenium autumnale has dropped out of the top 3 for the first time in 6 years but still remains a creditable 5th place.

New to the top 3 are echinops ‘blue glow’ and also thymus serpyllum.

combined rationalised chart 19.png
