Still searching for land to buy

Its been a while since I updated the blog on our progress with getting this nursery off the ground; that's because I have been too depressed to bring myself to write about it. I guess I am getting over that. Inspite of not having anything particularly positive to say I have been very busy working on it: Back in February we had a major set-back. The farmer who had agreed to sell us a perfect 5 acres near our house changed his mind. This wasnt a big surprise as he had been getting increasingly difficult to deal with and was dragging his heals at every step. But still, it was a disappointment not least because we wasted 5 months and some money.

Since then I have been doing the tour of all the other landowners who have any appropriate local sites. It's hard going as this is essentially cold-calling: "Hi, may name's Rosi.... would you consider selling me that field?".

Anyway, most say 'no' but a few have been prepared to have a conversation, and then mostly say 'no'. I am down to the last two possible options around our village and one firm option that is a few miles away.

The only firm option has to be accessed by passing two sets of locked gates, past a couple of large barns being used for a variety of light industrial purposes. Not ideal for a small 'green' business and research site. If this turns out to be my only option I genuinely do not know what I will do.

The farmer who owns this site is a good guy and I am hoping to be able to persuade him to sell me a different and more suitable site....if he ever responds to my emails.

I will keep you posted and please wish me luck.